Technical Data at a Glance
Weapon: Kesslerin
Manufactured by: Gunsmith and master craftsman Waffen Kessler in Deggendorf, German
Weapon type: Bolt action rifle with rotating cylinder lock
Calibres: 243 Win. – 6,5 x 55 - 6,5 x 57 – 25-06 Rem – .270 Win – 7 x 57 – 7 x 64 – .308 Win. – 8 x 57 IS –
8 x 64 S – 8 x 68S – 270 WSM – 300 WSM – 9,3 x 62
Further standard calibres on request with reasonable delivery time (e.g. 375 H&H Mag)
System: Mauser 98 (modified and newly manufactured)
Trigger: Kessler Compact Trigger, crisp trigger with no set trigger
Safety: Three-position safety, on the right side, locks the firing pin and blocks the chamber
Magazin: Three-round box magazine with a hinged floor plate
Schaft: Sleek walnut wood stock with oil finish, precious wood tips, buttstock with hogback comb, Bavarian or German cheek piece, pistol grip, fine hand checkering, rubber butt plate, optional custom stock
Barrel: High alloy ordinance steel, standard 55 cm (Custom design on request)
Sight: Leuchtkorn und Standkimme
Total lengh: 105 - 110 cm
Weight: Starting at 2.8 kg depending on quality of wood used (unloaded, without scope)